Attention disorder treatment for adults ADHD CBT COACHING

Effective and proven treatment for ADHD in adults
Effective and proven treatment for ADHD
A unique method for ADHD in adults that combines cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness and training

Remote treatment via video, and treatment at a private clinic in the north

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Effective and proven treatment for ADHD • Overcome problematic patterns at work and in relationships • Deal with anxieties • Increase efficiency and motivation • Reduce judgment and self-criticism • Realize your talents • Enjoy a healthy and balanced life * Daily or weekly personal accompaniment as needed
Get in touch for an introductory conversation. First meeting free!
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Patients recommend "For me, meeting Debbie is the best thing that ever happened to me. She just put me back on my feet! She has such a vast knowledge - ... her wisdom and her understanding of the face of things amazes me every time: just one sentence Being told by her solves so many things for me! The meetings with Debbie give me strength: strength and the ability to face difficult challenges ... she is simply amazing! I have no other definition for her."

H.A. Yakneam
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